Monday, August 30, 2010

Fashion Q&&A taggg!

1. What is your favorite accessory?
I am a pearl earing princess! They match with anything and everything. But oh, I have a love for purses and all things bags! Ohh my true love for purses, how I could flounder on about how they hold my lippie gloss and my beloved cell phone <3 

2. Who's your fashion role model? (In real life & Youtube/blogging)
Well, I am still yet to find my perfect fashion role model :/ Could anyone give me advice on this? I like people who are some what natural {I am talking celebs here} haha But on youtube I'd have to say beautyxxgoddess , juicystar07, allthatglitters21, dulcecandy87! They are all down to earth and sweet. But many other bloggers on here {Julianne, Ariel, Laura, and so many more etc. etc.} 

3. What do you always carry with you?
Cell phone! But usually I carry my purse <3 dang I love my coach purse. I named her chi-chi! I STILL NEED  A NAME FOR MY CELL PHONE!

4. What would you describe your style as?
Mixed, or just what ever I find that is cute I guess? I love flowing things! And flowery floral prints kind of ... erm simple but dressed up with jewelry. Still kinda yet to be discovered ;D

5. Favorite: jeans, sunglasses, heels?
I like Jeans & Sunglasses. Big fan of JEGGINGS. Haha but I'd be that girl going out with a cute pair of  " sunnies" on a rainy cloudy typically no sun sort of day!

6. What inspired you to blog about fashion?
You all probably know the story by now. I accidentally  stumbled upon laurakristinexo's blog! Big city dreams, and I fell in love. I have always has compassion for makeup and when I found this little world where I could.. blog about it! It struck me as fame (;

7. What is your favorite fashion store/shop?
Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, Aeropostale {I can explain (; a lot of there stuff is cute!} , American eagle. Dreams? Chanel, Juicy, MORE coach & unlimited money to Not gonna` happpppenn

8. What is your favorite fabric in clothing?
Please ask again later 
-Magic eight ball 

9. Who is your favorite designer?
Well I love bag designers like coach, and juicy couture is very cute for clothes and bags and jewelry! Marc Jacobs is a sweet dream clothing love of mine.

10. Who/what inspires your style?
Everything &  Anything.

11. What would you choose to do - buy something in high quality or make it yourself if you could?
Pshh if it was up to me I'd have a magic closet and each day amazing clothes would appear, not to mention amazing bags and accessories AND MAKEUP galore. Some times I dream about this room :O

<3 You all!

O1. Coral lipsticks? Light coral colors I can get from the drugstore?
O2. Celeb fashion rolemodel for meee!?
O3. My phone is the LG xenon {zee-non} and needs a name. He is nameless :( cutsie nameee plz
O4. HEY ANYONE? My phone case is brokeey {just made out of cloth} and i need to makeone at home now. Any ideas? Laura? Anyone ? (;


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